Dallas County Acreage - Commercial Real Estate

Dallas County Acreage - Commercial Real Estate
This acreage tract consists of 1.3+/- acres; over 57,000sqft of real property with Interstate 35 visibility with front on the off ramp exit on RL Thornton. Major commercial developments nearby. Easy street access from at least 4 points with direct entry and exit at two locations on the property. 4300 Village Fair Drive, Dallas, TX 75224
Information About Brokerage Services
Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice
Myers Jackson TX Broker 0698695
Myers Jackson TX Auctioneer TDLR 17057
Contract Disclaimer:
Realtors may submit offers on a TREC contract with terms that may vary from posted terms and conditions. Offers presented may be considered by the seller with fully funded and approved financing with the required option money, escrow deposits, closing cost or other fees paid by the buyer.
Payment Disclaimer:
Option Money, Escrow Deposits, Auction Fee and other Payments are only paid at Bid Award. You can Bid for free. Pay the fees only if you are awarded the contract. If you Bid and do not win, you do not pay anything. Required payments must follow immediately after the bid award for the offer to be fully accepted. If monies are not received in a timely manner, the entire bid award may be revoked for the failure to pay required deposits and auction fees.
Information About Brokerage Services