39 Acres More or Less Kansas City Development Land

Lot Number:1
Start Time:4/27/2022 2:00:00 PM
End Time:7/28/2022 4:00:00 PM
Bid Count:0
Leading Bidder So Far:
Auctioneer is Asking:$850,000.00
Bid Increment:$1,000.00
Current Bid:$850,000.00
Bidding complete
Reserve not met

A 10% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final Sales Price. All applicable taxes will be assessed based on the sum of the sales price and buyer's premium.

39 Acres More or Less Kansas City Development Land

39 Acres More or Less Kansas City Development Land

39.6+/- acres in Kansas City, KS. Much growth-residential and commercial-is coming to the area which is located between the counties of Wyandotte and Leavenworth, both of which are focused on future land use planning. Economic incentives in Wyandotte County. Land offers high visibility to K7 Highway and Interstate 70.

No donations for this lot

Mixed Use Residential or Commercial Land for Sale

Land for Sale in Kansas

In Wyandotte County

Tract is located in area experiencing growth 

In Referral Made by 

Angeliina Lawson KS License #SP00241147- Land on the Range, LLC


1520R N 134th St.
Kansas City, Kansas 66109
United States